What is AlexaRank?

Usually, in some blog/website, we found a box that named with "Site Info". In that box, we will find "Rank: " and "Links in:". Do you know, what does it mean? "Rank" in the box means rank based on Alexa. While, "Links in:" means incoming links to your blog (inbound links)

By the way, do you know Alexa? Alexa/AlexaRank is how Alexa give a rank to your site based on your unique visitor number. The lower the AlexaRank of the site so it means that the site have more unique visitors. So if you able to drive more and more traffic to your site, than you will get lower AlexaRank.

So, how to add AlexaRank widget to our blog? Firstly, you can go to Alexa. Then you must register first. Now, if you've registered and clicked on the confirmation link (in your email), you can return to Alexa.

Before, we will add AlexaRank widget, we will claim our blog in Alexa. Now, click on the "Site Tools", and then click again on the "Claim Your Site". Firstly, you must fill with your blog address. Then, there are 2 options to claim your blog, you can use the second (by adding meta tag). If you choose this option, you must copy the code and paste under <head>.  Now, you can clik on the "Verify my meta tag".

Then, you can edit your site listing. But, we will add AlexaRank widget. So, you can pass this step. Now, you should return to "Site Tools", and click on the "Alexa Site Widgets". Then, you can choose the widget style. After that, copy the code and paste into your blog (Design --> Page Elements --> Add Gadget, choose HTML/Java Script). You can see your blog now, there is an AlexaRank widget.


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